anyone here a current/former comic collector?

Was moving boxes in the garage and came across my old comic book collection...haven't bought a comic in 15 years. Rifled through the box of nearly 500 wonder if they're worth anything now.

mostly: Animal man, Wolverine, Batman, X-Men and a scattering of others. I never read most of 'em. Even at 13-14 years old i was in it for the collection not for reading 'em/.

I still remember the 1st comic I bought...Animal man #5



  • Looks like Animal Man is "road pizza". I was never into the comic book thing but my brother has like every Spawn comic ever created, all in plastic sheaths, etc.
  • Spawn comics are kept in plastic sheaths so that you don't actually have to touch them... for your own protection ;)

    Sloth - I collect comics - probably WAY too many - but you want to talk to "King Mob" Dave. He owns the "Now and Then Books" in Kitchener, a great store, and Dave knows his comics (subtle shameless plug).

  • I used to buy my comics from Now And Then :)
  • You should start again!

    Apparantly it's the world's oldest comic book store!

  • Used to collect years ago, mostly Marvel titles, but some underground strips too.

    Still have my limited edition DishMan series!

    Might even still have Wolverine vs Punisher series in sleeves, but finding it again would be difficult. My friend estimates his collection currently at about $60,000.
  • oh yeah, i'm all about the ultimate spiderman, amazing spiderman and new avengers.....make mine Marvel!

    I'm not even really sure what this thread is about, but i read comics in the title, and i got excited.. (maybe even more excited than mark....scary..)
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