B.C. Poker Championships - CPT event Nov20-26


  • I guess its not really Canadian's biggest prize pool anymore... that title now goes to an Ontario event. Its about time! Lets see if we can break a 1,000 players in the WPT NA Championship next year.

  • Good luck to all the players going out west to play the BC poker championship.

    My money's on somebody from Ontario taking it down!
  • any updates so far on the games prior to the main event?
  • I played all 3 events but only managed to cash in the main event. The structure for the PLO8 & PLH was pretty weak and i'll probably skip them next year unless it improves.
  • Congrats on the money Josh!

    I went out about 135th in the main event, was short-stacked with 23K (blinds 2k/4k).

    Raised to 8K with AJ hearts, 1 caller.
    - Flop Q J J, I checked, he checked
    - Turn 9 (rainbow board)... I go all in... he thinks for a long time and calls.
    - River 10
    He turns over AK.

    Was fun overall, the folks at RiverRock did a great Job. Kudo's to Darryl who managed a great event.
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