Books, Chapters and a Magazine

Went to Chapters last night and was pleasantly suprised at their collection of Poker materials! They must be ramping up for the increased exposure poker is receivng as of late. They had a couple of copies of the Cdn Poker Player also! Good to see.

They had several books by Cloutier/McEvoy, SuperSystem, 3 different Vorhaus books about Killing this or Crushing that, the Carson book (which I had never been able to find before) and even a few copies of Dave Scharf's manifesto - which I snagged because I had never seen it before either. After skimming a few of the books, my second purchase was the Carson book - hope its a good one.

In addition, I saw a magazine put out by Avery Cardoza - I think it was called PLAYER - has anyone ever read it before? What is it like? I had never heard of it before and didn't pick it up but may next time. Anyone have any thoughts on it?


  • They had a couple of copies of the Cdn Poker Player also!

    Was it Raymer on the cover or some stupid-looking kid from Toronto? ;)

    Yes, I'm anxious.

  • right now chapters has the issue with raymer on the cover, and yes they did kick up their poker books, as i noticed as well. i bought scharf's book from chapters, but most books are much cheaper on
  • oh and avery cardoza's magazine is called PLAYER and has next to nothing to do with poker. PAYCE
  • Thanks Brent.

    As for books, I wrote a review in the 'advertising' section of a book I'm reading right now called 'Hot Plastic' by Peter Craig. It's basically about con artists. I'm really enjoying it, so if you're looking for some non-poker but kind-of-poker-related fiction, I think you'll like it.

    I too am reading Dave's book right now, and I think it's great. Even the stuff in there that isn't new information (for me) helps me to re-focus my game. So far, so good.

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