PokerForumCanada itself is asking for me back

Hello BBC Z it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?

Sorry PokerForum, a person can only try to start those kinds of threads so many times before he gives up. Show me that you are actually worthy of ideas on the topic and I'd love to participate.

If I actually attempt any of those points, it'll just result in pkrfce9 (or any other bland and boring clone du jour) showing up and pretending he actually has an idea. By then, it's jumped the shark so far it's pointless.

I liked the days when you could actully disagree with someone and it wouldn't be until the 7th page that it degenerated into a pointless flamewar. Now, it can barely get past 1.


  • wb. you have been sorely missed

    funny, i don't recall the poll where the forum voted on this... i'm sure they'd ask you back, though.
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    I liked the days when you could actully disagree with someone and it wouldn't be until the 7th page that it degenerated into a pointless flamewar. Now, it can barely get past 1.

    Hell, I didn't even mind the occaisional flamewar so long as people were arguing about poker. I miss the "good ole days" as well. Come back. Please.
  • BBC...I for one miss your point of views on many discussions, and your rather unique way of highlighting what you find irrelevant or mundane.

    Post or don't, your call...but I find your criticisms are valuable, if sometimes abit harsh.

    Personally, I would like to see more of the senior members who have seemed to lost their way to the forum, for whatever reason. Alot of experience and POV's are being lost here.
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