Party Poker pulling out of US market

This is bad fucking news..

obviously it's great that we outside the US can still play but we'll be losing a huge amount of fish without americans


  • As is Pacfic poker and supposedly Stars as well.
  • Party's stock dropped somwhere around 80% on the news.


  • Which sites have the most Europeans ?
  • I'd have to say any of the Crytologic sites.

    William Hill
    Caribbean Sun
    The Ritz Club
    Poker Plex
  • So who was brilliant and shorted all the UK gambling stocks?

    Probably a bunch of US Senators/Congressmen. US politicians are a bunch of commie bastards.
  • with apologies to wh auden...

    Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
    Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
    Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
    Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

    Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
    Scribbling on the sky the message Party Is Dead,
    Put crêpe bows round the white necks of the public
    Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

    Full Tilt was my North, my South, my East and West,
    My working week and my Sunday rest,
    My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
    I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

    Poker Stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
    Pack up the moon and dismantle the Sun Poker;
    Pour away the Pacific ocean and sweep up the wood.
    For nothing now can ever come to any good.

    O the valley in the summer where I and my laptop
    Beside the deep River would walk on and on
    While the flowers at our feet and the birds up above
    Argued so sweetly on reciprocal love,
    And I leaned on his keyboard; 'O Toshiba, let's play':
    But UltimateBet frowned like thunder and he went away.

    O that Friday near Christmas as I well recall
    When we went to the Charity Matinee Ball,
    The floor was so smooth and the band was so loud
    And Toshiba so handsome I felt so proud;
    'Squeeze me tighter, dear Tosh, let's dance till it's day':
    But Paradise frowned like thunder and he went away.

    Shall I ever forget at the Millions Cruise
    When music poured out of each wonderful star?
    Diamonds and Spades they hung dazzling down
    Over each silver and golden silk gown;
    'O Tosh I'm in heaven,' I whispered to say:
    But Noble frowned like thunder and he went away.

    O but Titan was fair as a garden in flower,
    As slender and tall as the great Eiffel Tower,
    When the waltz throbbed out on the long promenade
    O his eyes and his smile they went straight to my heart;
    'O marry me, Eurobet, I'll love and obey':
    But he frowned like thunder and he went away.

    O last night I dreamed of you, TigerGaming, my lover,
    You'd the sun on one arm and the moon on the other,
    The sea it was blue and the grass it was green,
    Every star rattled a round tambourine;
    Ten thousand miles deep in a pit there I lay:
    But you frowned like thunder and you went away.
  • Guys, seriously, why all the doom day postings? THIS WILL NOT LAST!!
  • ^ can you tell us when it will be over ?
  • sharpe88 wrote:
    Which sites have the most Europeans ?

    The ongame network ( etc) has mostly Eurpopean customers. Crypto network (interpoker, will hill, etc) is another biggie from a non-us standpoint.

    Although the US market represents between 65-80% of the total market. This is definitely going to make waves for at least a year. Right now there is a hearing the DOJ must attend before the WTO to explain how this is not creating a trade monopoly (and we'll see if it even matters). Antigua has filed a claim against the US.

    Plus the major sites are evaluating the language and scope of the bill (which will likely be signed this week). This may or may not be the end for US players for the next while. In the meantime, it will be interesting to see which sites that are not top 5 are going to fill the void.

    Not good news, but not the death of the industry for sure.
  • I'm sure most US poker players are moving money largely to neteller right now. But after my 6 us friends move to my house in Canada (only theoretically) all will be well. You just may end up seeing more Unknowns that you bargain for as the yanks will be afraid to give their real address.
  • Here's how one site is handling it

    All players are welcome at

    The current bill before the US president will not affect our mission to provide a place for people
    from all over the world to enjoy playing poker.
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