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What's your play?
I was playing in a paradise $6 rebuy for a seat into their $200 WPT niagara satellite. I was 2nd in chips after an earlier horridous beat which moved me to about 19th from chip leader as I doubled up the 2nd chip leader. Chip leader has about 44K. At this point the rebuys were long done top 3 got a seat with top 6 getting money. There was 12 people left at this point.  fearlesstaz had been splashing around in pots, his raises of this size not usually called. He had joined the table maybe 13 hands ago when it became 10 handed.Â
Tournament Satellite - WPT Niagara - 800/1,600
No Limit Texas Hold'em - 2006/09/28-17:21:24.0 (CST)
Table "Satellite - WPT" (MTT) -- Seat 6 is the button
Seat 3: The1Count (6,830 in chips)
Seat 4: mikeyray69 (21,375 in chips)
Seat 6: jtdaddy (9,685 in chips)
Seat 7: fearlesstaz (20,300 in chips)
Seat 8: Acidjoe (25,575 in chips)
Seat 10: big  Jim (13,420 in chips)
mikeyray69: Ante (80)
jtdaddy : Ante (80)
fearlesstaz: Ante (80)
Acidjoe : Ante (80)
big  Jim: Ante (80)
The1Count: Ante (80)
fearlesstaz: Post Small Blind (800)
Acidjoe : Post Big Blind (1,600)
Dealt to Acidjoe [ Kc ]
Dealt to Acidjoe [ Ks ]
big  Jim: Fold
The1Count: Fold
mikeyray69: Fold
jtdaddy : Fold
fearlesstaz: Raise (5,000)
P.S. Thanks shopsy for rail birding......
Tournament Satellite - WPT Niagara - 800/1,600
No Limit Texas Hold'em - 2006/09/28-17:21:24.0 (CST)
Table "Satellite - WPT" (MTT) -- Seat 6 is the button
Seat 3: The1Count (6,830 in chips)
Seat 4: mikeyray69 (21,375 in chips)
Seat 6: jtdaddy (9,685 in chips)
Seat 7: fearlesstaz (20,300 in chips)
Seat 8: Acidjoe (25,575 in chips)
Seat 10: big  Jim (13,420 in chips)
mikeyray69: Ante (80)
jtdaddy : Ante (80)
fearlesstaz: Ante (80)
Acidjoe : Ante (80)
big  Jim: Ante (80)
The1Count: Ante (80)
fearlesstaz: Post Small Blind (800)
Acidjoe : Post Big Blind (1,600)
Dealt to Acidjoe [ Kc ]
Dealt to Acidjoe [ Ks ]
big  Jim: Fold
The1Count: Fold
mikeyray69: Fold
jtdaddy : Fold
fearlesstaz: Raise (5,000)
P.S. Thanks shopsy for rail birding......
Damn someone beat me to it.
I would assume it would be a very tough call for him to make unless he has Aces because if he does call and you win he is out in 6th and with the The1Count (6,830 in chips) coming up to the blinds he may not want to tangle and wait for one spot higher.
Why do I have the feeling he called and show A-Rag and caught the Ace?
That being said I seem to get killed by AA quite often lately.
Since this is a satellite I would be careful about mixing it up in a big pot. Â Without a good read on the guy you don't know if he will call an allin, suck out and cripple you. Â You don't need all his chips to get the ticket, but some would be nice. Â If you knew he was likely to fold, I would push, but you don't know that, without a read.
If you push, you really want only one thing from him in this situation - you want him to fold. Â However, if your opponent is stealing, he wants you to fold and if he has a hand he is willing to go on, he wants you to push. Â Pushing or raising makes the decision for your opponent easy, it will either be push back or fold. Â However, calling makes it tough on him and easy for you on the flop, with him OOP.
If you smooth call, you can still get away from the hand on the flop and have plenty enough chips to pick up your satellite ticket. Â You are not quite in the classic satellite situation of folding AA but you are close. Â You have position on him and can close the betting, so you don't have to worry about someone reraising behind you. Â Control the pot size, call and be cautious about getting mixed up in big pots.
Please explain this to me. If I push... I want him to call. It's not like we're that close to the seat yet. I'm LOOKING for a way that gets all of villian's chips in the middle here. If he's got loose calling standards preflop and I think he'll call a push, I go ahead and push. If I think he'll get his chips in with the worst of it on the flop, I might flat call. But I'm sure as heck not looking for a reason to fold.
I don't think this situation is anywhere remotely close to this. Now if both villain and hero had 100x the stacks of 3rd place and worse...then yes, you would basically be avoiding any and all confrontations with that stack.
folding was the last thing on my mind. if we were 4 handed I may have considered this.....NAH...... I'm way too aggressive to miss this opportunity.
It took skill to get this far. Keep using it.
Not true, there are two tables of 6 each (12 players total), he is a few spots away from the money.
I think I would call here and hope to see a flop I like then push.
fearlesstaz said, "u shoulda just called"
Acidjoe said, "i shoulda called with kk right"
fearlesstaz said, "in that position...yes"
Acidjoe said, "naw make you pay to hit"
fearlesstaz said, "what did u think I had 24 off"
mikeyray69 said, "you have been unreal fear ...good player"
Acidjoe said, "you had A something"
Acidjoe said, "and you hit"
fearlessstaz said, "what did you think I had 2 4 off idiot?"
Acidjoe said, "you had AT suited but you could have easily had JJ or QQ"
Acidjoe said, "I was not going to let you draw on me for free, I'll get my money in as a 65% fav every time"
fearlesstaz said, "just assume the only hand u can get beat by is aa
or a and a draw"
fearlesstaz said "you play like an idiot, u be out soon"
Acidjoe said, "because that's playing chicken s*** poker"
mikeyray69 said, "to many fat stack haha"
Acidjoe said, "I had you beat preflop and wanted you to pay to draw out
fearlesstaz said, "u can all in AFTER the flop"
fearlesstaz said, "u probably kiss ur sister too"
Acidjoe said, "u got lucky and you won....."
fearlesstaz said, "u do ur sister of course"
fearlesstaz said, "53K vs $K"
fearlesstaz said, "4K"
mikeyray69 said, "fear don't listen to him you are a hell of a good player"
Acidjoe said, "keep playing this way I'd love to run into that situation 10 times cuz
your out here 7 of them"
Acidjoe said, "go coach someone else"
This is exactly what I would have said, likely with better punctuation though I would think this is the most logical and common thing to do in this situation given the chip stacks, pot size and tournament type.
Hopefully karma with come into effect and you can get into that situation with him again and win.
P.S that kid mickey was also a complete donk.
Top 6 pay.
12 people - 6 people = 6 places from money
/\R u surwe/?
Tough break
and yes, i'm kidding
In a normal tournament, I would have also re-raised all-in with K-K, but late game decisions in multi-qualifier satellite tournaments can become quite unusual and counter-intuitive. I agree that the optimum play for the #2 chip leader would be to just flat call and hope for an Ace-free flop. If you are forced to fold after the flop, you still have 19,775 chips and in great shape to remain in the top 6 and win money. If you believe that you are a better player than the 2nd and 3rd chip leaders ("complete donk" mikeyray69 with 21,295 chips and fearlesstaz with 25,700 chips), your expectation of finishing in the top 3 and winning a seat is high.
I am playing in an even weirder multi-qualifier WPT satellite tournament tonight. The final eight survivors of tonight's semi-final go on to a final for a WPT seat with up to 16 finalists. Players that finish 9th or lower tonight get nothing, but there is no incentive to try to win first place. Situations may come up near the bubble where playing any hand, including pocket kings and aces, would be incorrect. The correct strategy for the chip leaders is to avoid confrontation with each other and cooperate to eliminate the small stacks, but it is more likely that incredible blunders will be made in endgame play.
Wrong. Villain has about 1.7:1 by my math. Pot is 80 * 6 + 5000 + 5000 + allin raise of ~15000. Pot is at 25K and change and it costs 15K to call.Â
And villain can probably determine he'se likely worse than a 2:1 dog here. So yes, he's NOT justified in calling.