NHL Hockey Suicide Pool

Just like the NFL suicide pools, we are running a Hockey NHL suicide pool.
Here is how it works

The start date is October 14th 15th weekend

Pick one team each week.  All those who are right move on the next week.  You cannot pick the same team twice.  Pick until there is only on person left.  They get all the money. 

You will have a choice to pick games from saturday or sunday.  All picks our due Friday at midnight.  Everyones pick will be posted Saturday by noon on a web site. Remember you only have to pick one game from either the Saturday slate of games or the Sunday slate of games

If you forget to make a pick you are out of the tournament.  Your team must win inorder to move on to the next week.  If the game ends in a tie you are out.

If you sign up you will be given the information as to the web site.

You can get the money to Jeff Shopp, Cameron Wilson, or Brent Wilson.

Cost 20.00  If you want to pay via Poker Stars ask for the information and I will send it to you.  The cost is still 20.00.  Shposy will be handleing all the monies once each of us has collected from the guys we know.

Start Date:  We will start October 14 and 15th weekend

Any questions I can answer, just ask here at westsidepokerclub@rogers.com

Cam & Brent Wilson and Jeff Shopp

Prophet :2h :2s

Players List

1.  Prophet 22
2.  Blazin 72
3.  Shopsy
4.  Acid Joe
5.  Wes
6.  Big E
7.  Pinhead
8.  Sutts 92
9.  Steve Maniatis
10.  CanadaKev
11.  Camblor


  • one question can I pay via stars or paradise......

    I'm in.......
  • I think the reason the NFL failed may be due to the $40 buy-in.

    I know its not much - but I would have played for sure for $20.

    Your original post had a bunch of ppl suggesting between 10-30 and then it was made to be 40.

    Something to consider for the NHL pool.
  • Thanks Tom,

    this will be a straight 20.00 winner take all

  • I might be in Brent, can we flip you cash through Stars?
  • Big E wrote:
    I might be in Brent, can we flip you cash through Stars?

    I will talk with Shopsy tonight for the details, should not be a problem. Probably the easiest way to do this.

  • Just to let everyone know, the cost is 20.00.  If you want to transfer the 20.00 to Shopsy via Poker Stars etc. let me know and I can give you the information.  All picks will be posted every saturday by noon to avoid any problems.  You can see who is in the list game in the oringinal post and read all the rules.

    The cut off date will be friday October 13th at midnight and you must have paid or made arrangements prior to your pick being included in the game.  If you forget to make a pick you are out of the tournament.  Your team must win inorder to move on to the next week.  If the game ends in a tie you are out.

    You can PM your intentions or post here or email at westsidepokerclub@rogers.com


    PS The goal is 100 people winner take all
  • If the game ends in a tie you are out.

    How exactly?? OT/shootout wins would still count as a win right?

    Either way, I'm in. And I refuse to pick the Leafs at any point all season.
  • Yeah, last time I did this there was no shootout. The shootout will determine the winner of the game. Hey, at this point you might not have to pick the Leafs.

    Welcome aboard!

  • We are starting to pick up steam. Season starts tomorrow, you will want to keep track for a couple weeks and then we wil start on the 14th and 15th of October.

  • If you want to join us for some fun there is still time. Just email me your pick by Midnight Friday and you can join this pool. Cost is only 20.00.

    I will update the list later today.

  • I sent Shopsy the $20 today Brent.

    We can pick any Sat or Sun game for this weekend right?
  • yes any game from saturday or sunday
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