Born before 1983? Well then....

Welcome to the anniversary (+1 day - meant to post this yesterday) of the time you almost died in a horrendous nuclear war!!

And for further enjoyment.... and pants-crapping



  • Holy crap! I was likely face down in a gutter somewhere, so I was totally prepared for it.
  • Don't worry about it.

    I heard that nuclear war as fixed anyway. Impossible to win.
  • Brings new meaning to the movie War Games eh! If memory serves me correct, this movie was made in 1983.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Released June 1983 Brent. But what the hell if we all blow up no one will care if on line poker is rigged anymore, nor will they care greg is face down in the gutter. Just let the first one hit me so I don't have to worry about anything.
  • joe, you are already in a state of 'no worries'. so what's the biggie?
  • THis one was the scariest part

    "The U.S. interceptor aircraft were armed with nuclear missiles. These could have been used by any one of the F102-A pilots at his own discretion. " Yikes
  • Hell son I was born early enough to remember getting duck and cover practice in primary school in case there was a nuke attack. (fat lot of good running into the hallway and covering your head would do. They should have been teaching us to kiss our butts goodbye) If you think one incident frightened someone who lived through the whole cold war you've got another thing coming.
    Actually the scariest days of the cold war were the Cuban missile crisis.
    Congrats to everyone who made it through the cold war alive and sane.
    Alive, well I seem to have all of my pieces, sane I'm not so sure about. ;-)
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