
Okay... so I'm a total loser, but a mildly ambitious one

My work partner and I got to talking and we're thinking of starting a local dodgeballl league... we're looking into renting gyms and buying the equipment, but I"m just gauging interest as to who'd be involved....

So, please reply here if you may be willing to do this



  • DrTyore wrote:
    Okay... so I'm a total loser, but a mildly ambitious one
    I couldn't agree more.

    Mark, I think it would work better if you had a mix of games.  Just dodgeball would get boring after like... twice!

    Other suggestions:
    - floor hockey
    - handball (not as dirty as it sounds... however if Mark is playing... who knows!)
    - duck, duck, goose

    And I have to ask... is drinking going to be involved during the games... or is that just for after?

    By the way... SIGN ME UP!!!!!!!!!  :D

  • Whodathunk that movie could be so inspiring? I sense another flame war with Johnnie coming on...

    Grab life by the ball, Mark.
  • Only thing is that dodgeball could be a quick game, how would you get time out of it and make games last an amount that would want me to take time to go to it. Look at this web site This guy does killer job in guelph doing this type of thing in a bunch on off mainstream sports. I participate in a bunch of them and he does a good job running them (and i think he makes a small mint off of it). His website may give you some ideas and guide lines (why re-invent the wheel) Plus I think he did dodge ball a while back


    ps, league no, tournament yes
  • DUDE..i would SO be all over a dodgeball tourney
    i'm pretty sure the guys that hosted the royal cup said they'd have us back..nice big space in there... *ponder*
    i'm starting to work on my team right now..big mike, i know you're in!
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Whodathunk that movie could be so inspiring? I sense another flame war with Johnnie coming on...

    No need for the asbestos suit, Greg. I hate Dodgeball.
    Peace out.

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    Whodathunk that movie could be so inspiring? I sense another flame war with Johnnie coming on...

    No need for the asbestos suit, Greg.  I hate Dodgeball.
    Peace out.


    you are no fun :(
  • I love dodgeball and would like to play but I am pretty unreliable :)
  • Meistro wrote:
    I love dodgeball and would like to play but I am pretty unreliable :)

    And you'd need a ride.

  • Dodgeball Tourny november 18th in guelph

    There might have to be a CPF team challenge if we get enough, I bet i could get a guelph team in to kick everyone elses tail

  • Hey all

    Okay, we've firmed things up a bit more.... and I now need to know 100% who's interested.. Here's the plan so far

    First date: Monday, November 6th
    Monday nights: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
    St. Louis Adult Learning Centre in cambridge ontario ( mapquest )

    Costs: Okay, here's a breakdown of how we think this will go

    $10 - initial joining fee - a one time contribution to equipments costs, insurance etc. etc.
    $15 - a monthly fee

    So, this means that to play in November it will cost you $25 for the month. However, after that month, it will cost you only $15 for four nights of dodgeball. This works out to about $4 / night, or $2 an hour. Not too shabby.

    Any extra money that we get will fund my bad beat skids... erm, I mean, will be put back into the league (i.e. replacing equipment / upgrading when needed), and if we have enough, we'll throw a party every few months or something..... I'm not profiteering here, just looking for fun

    For those interested, here is a breakdown of costs / income for this league (Sorry, it's an excel sheet, won't let me upload the sheet itself). EDIT: I removed it, it was just too ugly. Anyone that don't trust me, or is curious as to where the money is going, ask and I'll send the excel sheet to you. But if you don't trust me, you suck and I don't want to play with you anyways. :P

    In for sure:

    1. g2 Greg
    2. ItsaMe Mario
    3. DrTyore Mark
    4. westside8 Wes
  • I'm in.

  • Man I am so psyched for Dodgeball!!!!!!!!!!

    Almost as psyched as I am for Bristol tomorrow night ;)

  • I think currently I have about 16 people confirmed for dodgeball g2... it's gonna be great!!! You should see the "official National Amateur dodgeball association" gear we got!

    Anyone want in last minute?

  • Can we call it the "Official Canadian Amateur Dodgeball Association of Canada" gear? Pleeeeeease


    Fine by me... however, I must point out, that we've yet to name the league.. any ideas?

  • I'd like to play but can only commit to two Mondays a month as I work evenings the other two. What do you think Mark?

  • hey

    No worries here if you're up for $15 for 2 nights!! :) I can't really change the rates because I'd be too damned confused
  • Cool, the money isn't the issue it is more whether a team will want me only part time...That being said, I'm in for the $15 and can make it starting Nov. 13

  • Sweeeeeeeeeeeet...

  • Hey Mark,

    This up coming Monday is no good for me either, but I think I can be good for 2 or 3 of the Mondays this month, but I'm out completely in Dec.
  • Allright all

    The first month is in the books, so we tweaked some of what worked, some of what didnt'... but here's some new information

    We're going to run a "5 night month" this month, because of the christmas season, we're not running for most of december or the first monday in January, but the dates we ARE playing are:

    December 4th
    January 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th.

    So, if you'd like in, you can buy the whole 5 dates for only $15 (+$10 joining fee if you've not paid it).

    ALSO Some people have mentioned they can't commit to every night in the month, so we have some options:

    Buy 2 nights: $10
    Pay per play - $5 / night.

    The joining fee will still apply to anyone who buys the two nights, or if you come more than once per month on a pay-per play. Sorry all, but I'm still trying to re-coop the original amount I spent, so <pbbbbbbt>

    Let me know if you're interested.

  • Where is this Mark?
  • The games are held monday nights from 7 - 9 pm at the St. Louis Adult Learning Centre in Cambridge ON

    82 Beverly Street
    N1R 3Z7

  • You get to throw stuff at Mark's head... I don't understand why there isn't a line up around the block!

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