Toronto Pimp;c-419608 wrote
As you all know I almost always have a good read on people. Like when I shove all in against D.J. When he has quads. 😳
Glenn will tell you when I did the same thing to him, ie shove into his quads A's and then wonder why he didn't fold??? That was live... lol
Summary: I don't think any of us would collude, we are too busy trying to destroy each other... :) Petesky has also played with us live many times before he moved to the North Pole to hustle Santa Claus (or was that Mrs Claus?). Very standard play when neither Glenn or I made a big hand.. He had 8's with 2 overs and I had AJ which didn't hit, why would either of us bet. No idea what Petesky had, I would guess a smaller pair or a weak A???
So Henry if you don't want to play with us and learn then let me know and I will send you your balance. Oh wait.......