compuease I verified that you are active in our home game like everyone else. Can you actually not get into the home games section or just not into our lobby?
compuease Yep, I had them recorded within 10 min of the end but thanks just in case I fall asleep... lol.
thisORthat torontotablecpt;c-419588 wroteAh man. Another night with no poker. History may repeat itself as it often does... I'm in tentatively tonight and'll drop out at 7.25pm if not up to 6players
MrCaspan Don't know if anybody caught a screenshot I was on my mobile phone, @moose took first, I took second and @compuease 3rd!! Great heads up moose!!
moose It was a good heads up. Coolered on last hand. The final hand 90% that's a chop. In your spot I would have just called the turn because I shove the river and then you can make a better decision with more information. If you are ahead on the turn then you are way ahead and trying to raise me adds little value.
MrCaspan I also know you better than that If you're re-raising you're not doing it with a single pair!!
compuease You have clearly never played in a real tournament... Have a close look at your last point...
MrCaspan @thisORthat Are you accusing someone of softplaying and checking down a hand with another player all in? or were you discussing it during tonight's game?
compuease Yes he was subtly discussing it after he was out. I believe it was a hand when Petezky was all in for a small amount and both I and Glenn called and checked to the river because neither of us improved. Glen had 88 and I had AJ flop was K,Q, xxx as I recall. Very standard tournament play. I leave it to others to decide if anything should be done..