I used lube.
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Too easy
Prolly the most action comp's had in years
Just (hopefully) dodged another bullet.. Back in Sept my PSA was determined to be higher than normal, was monitored for a couple of months and went up somewhat. Urologist decided to do a prostate biopsy, not really pleasant but what the heck, may as well live large. Biopsy was done 2 weeks ago and just got back now from getting results.. Shows a small area of abnormal cells but nothing he wants do do anything with at the moment. Wants to wait 3 months, do another PSA test and an ultrasound, I guess this is good news but man, I seem to be living on 3 month cycles.... Onward and upward!
All you guys, make sure you get everything checked out regularily!
Toronto Pimp
You are a tough old bastard, you will probably outlive me.
wow, its been a while since I came around this place.... I am glad you are doing better sir!!