djgolfcan So the SB tanked and eventually called with 3-4s for a flopped straight. Mid position player had a weaker Ace and UTG+2 had AQ, BB folded on turn, river was a brick and SB took it down. SB said he took so long because he thought UTG+2 might have a boat. But I disagreed, as there was no reason for him to shove with a boat, as he wants flush and straight draws to chase if he has a full house. So shoving looked like an Ace, trying, too late, to protect his hand.
Card Dead Sounds about right at Niagara on a Saturday night. I'm just surprised there was no A5 suited out there.
MickeyHoldem Hands like this are remembered and are the reason everyone wants to play small suited connectors out of position for 10x preflop raises!!
djgolfcan mickeyholdem;392849 wrotehands like this are remembered and are the reason everyone wants to play small suited connectors out of position for 10x preflop raises!! shhhh !!