Milo;385626 wroteAs a husband and Father of a young woman, it is my sincere hope that one of these women WILL swear out a complaint. At the very least so there can be a resolution of facts, and a determination of guilt.
At this point, there is no doubt in my mind that Ghomeshi is scum. Like Hellmuth's Mole, I trust the investigative bona fides of the Torstar Corp. This points to another reason to hope this goes to trial. Namely that, if the allegations ARE found to have merit, then Ghomeshi needs to go to prison for his actions.
Finally, a message needs to be sent. That message can be spread loud and clear through a trial. That message is simple . . .
It is NEVER okay for a man to strike a woman.
If that sounds patriarchal, I really do not care. It is how I was raised and, if more men had this attitude, things might be better.
comp, I will apologize in advance if this post raises any more ruckus. I hope not, but that is not up to me.
It's going to....
You fucking hypocrite. I mentioned one possible reason for them going to the media earlier that maybe the women went to send a message like this, and now you're saying that you're hoping this message gets out as can only be done in court? Another possibility is by going to the media it rallied women who may have not been known to the original women, and this provides a higher chance of corroboration and likelihood of someone pressing charges officially... to, you know, spread the message.
Yet still no apology.... wow. Even worse, I guess you don't learn anything either! "No doubt in my mind that Ghomeshi is scum" (hard to tell if you're being sarcastic)... but then in the same fucking paragraph you say "if the allegations have merit". You're fucking judging a potential victim again!
Here's a step by step for you.
1. Someone makes a claim they are a victim, you should take it seriously, offer support they need, emotional, physical, what have you.
2. Realize that your supporting people is NOT taking sides, it is helping people. The court system has its job to do later.
3. Don't use words like "scum" / "courage" at all, when you apply words like that, you show a bias / judgement / opinion.
4. Shut up.
You can't keep making judgement calls and then saying stupid shit like "IF this proves to be true" or "If only they had the strength of character to...". It's like "I'm not a racist but.."
Please note, that step by step, though using examples related to this CBC thing, is more a general outline of what you did wrong.