compuease;385354 wroteAs I am in you... Get off your damn high horse and think a little. No one here is anti woman, especially not me
I stopped there, because I'm really not sure. When I first started on PFC one of the old mods was sexually harassing me, threatening me in person with bans if I didn't talk dirty etc.
At the time I was single, and I blamed myself...
It must've been my fault for being too flirty with everyone, maybe I gave him the impression that I WANTED this, somehow. Maybe he's joking, and I'm overreacting. All while this scumbag left his wife at home, and brought his mistress to The Shop.
I was so confused, I felt like it must be my fault. When I finally worked up the misguided courage to report it, I told you Jeff.
And you did nothing.
I'm not mad at you about that Jeff, to this day I'm confused, embarrassed, and the whole things a blur--maybe I didn't write it correctly, maybe I understated it to you, maybe my anger and pride got in the way--because I hate appearing weak. I still worry that the whole thing was my fault, but I can't bring myself to follow through and look up old chat logs, because even this amount of confrontation about it makes my pulse raise and my hands tremble. I'd rather just forget.
ME. The person on this forum MOST likely to get unabashedly in someone's face and tell them to fuck straight off.
So, yeah...I get a possible reason why women might not report.
And, no...Victim bashing, shaming, questioning is NOT ok.
And further, expect me to ALWAYS get in the face of anyone perpetuating the notion that it is ok for the public to do anything other than support someone who claims to have been violated the way those women have.
It would be better if WildBill could take lead on women's issues.