Kristy;385271 wroteWhere the fuck are the damn Mods?
Edit: Sorry, Bill/Jeff. You're not 'damn' anything. Those posts are just SOO not Ok. Figures it happens when you're both busy :/
So, you wish to be Judge, jury and executioner? If Bill or Jeff choose to ban me or delete anything I have posted, so be it. I have not made ANY allegations as to the veracity of their claims, only the manner in which they went about presenting them.
You, on the other hand, are intent on labelling me as some sort of woman hating mysoginist, simply because I find the manner they chose to present their allegations as dubious.
No where can you point to me saying they are lying, or that Gomeshi is a Saint. Truthfully, when this first came out my first thought was, "I thought he was gay?", not that this would have any bearing on the matter (if the accusers were men).
I have tried to present my thoughts in as rational a manner as possible, while you flipped your shit at the notion that these women might have motives that are less than pure (the notion, mind you, not the accusation). the fact that none of your usual cadre have piled on thus far is telling, don't you think? (that last bit
IS trolling)
I am off to darts in a minute with my wife, I'll check back and see what the powers that be have decided.