I agree with GTA on the KK hand. You have to play those fast at Brantford as most of the players will not fold pre-flop. I 3-bet to $3k here and expect two callers. On the flop, I lead out for $4k, or about half pot and wait for villain to spew.
They are putting you on A-K or A-Q and think you whiffed, or they have a pocket pair, and figure they are good.
On turn, there's 15k in the pot and you have $10k behind. After taking some tank time, I shove, again, it looks like A-K or A-Q trying to get them to fold, they call with their nut flush draw and you hope they don't hit.
as played on the KK hand, u need to jam over his open on turn all day (given stack sizes)
I like bettting out flop, as it makes it easier to get all the chips in on the turn
Yah like I said it was pretty obvious to me that I made a mistake not jamming turn. I can admit I make mistakes too, that's how we learn.
I still think betting flop is kinda meh tho if we are trying to win the max long term. If we know he has pairs then obv we bet but the majority of the time he will not have those.
Thanks tho guys. Appreciate all input. :)
Sorry I forgot about this.
Shipped via emt
hah I kinda forgot too. no prob.
thank you sir.
Gonna call and reg for Thursday shortly. glgl us.
So today was kinda frustrating... First of all my table was actually decent for a change. A few young guys who were pretty solid (other than the odd pot sized bet on dry boards), one or two tight older guys, and really only one or two real good spots, but even they were pretty tight-ish. I actually feel like my table was a lot tougher today than the 550 deepstack I chopped. Guess table draw is pretty important in any tournament though.
I played pretty tight early. Think I had AKs once, raised over the limpers pre, got a few callers, and didn't hit the flop, u know the story...
One hand w 99, couple limpers so I raised, two callers to a flop of 567. I bet, one caller. Turn 6, I bet, he calls. River Q we both check and he shows 68. Good thing he didn't bet cus I was gunna check-call.
A few other hands where I raised pre, and either got 3 bet or called and had to fold post when my hand was no where near the flop.
Was down to ~6-7k and I managed to get KJs to river a flush, and I got the guy who flopped trips to pay me off. :D Back up to starting stack of 15k.
Got AA once, I 3 bet an active guy, and he found the fold button for like the first time. Other than that, I was stuck opening hands like J9s, 9Ts, whenever I could.
Hovered around 13-14k for an hr or so...while the dealers gave me a steady dose of 83o, 34o, etc.
Shoved a few hands in LP when I got down to 10-12 bb... no callers.
The bust out hand.... I had ATo in the CO. Utg+2 was pretty active young guy, opened for 2.5x or something similar, maybe 2.25x.... I jammed my 11bb, and btn woke up with JJ. the flop gave him trips, and me a pair of tens plus some back door outs. Turn gave me a chance to hit straight and flush, but river blanked. Utg+2 told me he had KQ and would have called also if btn didn't. Would have lost to him also. :bs:
Sigh, bcc.
Was this the table in the farthest left corner of the room with the dealer facing the usual final table? If so, djgolfcan was in this table when I was moved here after somebody had busted out vs JJ, then I was later moved besides Mathers. :o Does anybody want a mini trip report and if so, where should I post it?
reibs;385621 wrote... First of all my table was actually decent for a change. A few young guys who were pretty solid (other than the odd pot sized bet on dry boards), one or two tight older guys, and really only one or two real good spots, but even they were pretty tight-ish. I actually feel like my table was a lot tougher today than the 550 deepstack I chopped. Guess table draw is pretty important in any tournament though.
dunno who mathers is, but pretty certain DJ was not at my table. I was table 5. on the left hand side when u are walkin in the room, second from the corner. But yes dealer faces the FT.
Feel free to post in here buddy.
BlondeFish;385641 wroteWas this the table in the farthest left corner of the room with the dealer facing the usual final table? If so, djgolfcan was in this table when I was moved here after somebody had busted out vs JJ, then I was later moved besides Mathers. :o Does anybody want a mini trip report and if so, where should I post it?
Sure put up a tr. Maybe on a poker forum somewhere?
GTA Poker
Maybe give the results of your bap while you are at it?
Bit of a good news/bad news update folks...
Good news: I am reg'd for tomorrows $125 deepstack, and I am going to ship it.
Bad news: This will be the last tourney I can play in for this BAP, as I have accepted a temporary placement for the next three weeks for an afternoon shift at my old work. Unfortunately, guaranteed money wins in this case ;)
So, after I ship tomorrow, I will figure out refunds/payments and ship back to everyone on ~Friday at some point. Definitely will not be any later than Saturday though if by chance I do not get around to it on Friday.
Thanks everyone, and gl one last time!!
Congrats on the work . . . now go SHIP IT !!!
Good luck today and with the new gig.
so I was wrong... :bs:
Pretty frustrating day to say the least. First few levels I think I had 5 or 6 times where I set mined, didn't hit once. The one time I thought I had the best of it, on a 636 board with 88, a guy had A6 and another AK. Luckily I got outta the way on the flop after a bet and raise....
I think I won 2 hands the entire first couple hours. One was a double barrel bluff with 68s on a AQJr board.
Big hand was at the 400/800 level... I had AKo and 11k. I think two limpers ahead of me in mp, I jammed, and the biggest nit in the building found KK behind me. That took me down to 3500. Two hands later I had A9o, 4.5bb, jammed from utg ... called twice. Flop came 949, BINGO!... one guy bets, the other folds... obv I was up against 44. again :bs:
Needless to say, didn't cash. Sorry guys.
I will get to the refunds later this afternoon if possible. Let me know if your preferred method is different than which you sent me.
Send it back the way it came, and thanks. Next time you do this, I am sure you will have a line starting just behind my left shoulder.
Fwiw hellmuths mole must have taken all the pfc rungood. Monster stack from the get go
reibs;386233 wroteFwiw hellmuths mole must have taken all the pfc rungood. Monster stack from the get go
I told him to give all his chips to you. Guess he did not listen. :D
Okay so the last two tournies to be refunded are the:
Nov 13 - $160 deepstack
Nov 20 - $230 deepstack
Total = $390 * 1.1 = $429
rwpkrplr - 5% = $21.45 - on stars - SENT
jdAA - 5% = $21.45 - on stars - SENT
Hobbes - 5% = $21.45 - EMT - SENT
Actyper - 20% = $85.80 - on stars - SENT
GTA - 10% = $42.90 - EMT - SENT
Milo - 5% = $21.49 - EMT - SENT
Got it. Thanks for the opportunity.
If you do this again, count me in
Got it . . . get in line, Shorty.