GTA Poker;384387 wroteTrue. I feel that checking flop is for pot control with "just" an overpair when super deep (>300-500bb) in a cash game and to induce a full bluffing range on later streets. When relatively shallow in a tournament with an overpair! I believe that your chips are more valuable and, perhaps, you should protect them a bit by applying more pressure on the flop although this may decrease your chance of accumulating the maximum number of chips by inducing bluffs. I'm not sure what effective stacks were after the 3 bet but I think there are enough chips out there that a 3/4 pot sized bet on the flop in position is almost always indicated, especially when you think of his range being TT-QQ, AQ/AK (live poker again)...AJsooted is probably the very bottom of his range as you describe him, I imagine he delayed a bit before even calling your initial 3bet.
Also, in live pokers it is very rare for a player to bet turn and river with a pure bluff, but the way you played it you would have to call river as he has pairs (JJ, maybe QQ -- live poker) in his range. Betting turn and river live is a pretty strong line.
Or words to that effect, I just woke up.
I'm not a tournament player, maybe someone else will give their opinion.
I appreciate everyone's opinion, cash/mtt/whatever, good/bad... all opinions teach you something. I try to listen to it all. And obv you have much more live experience than I do.
The flop check was to let him catch up with his Ax hands, and also to induce bluffs on turn, which is did... I just have to work on getting the river to be a blank. Had a diff suit come up, I have no doubts he still bets as he knows he cannot win with A high.
If we bet the flop, I think he folds everything but pairs, say 88-QQ = 30 combos, which he may not even have those that much. I presume he doesn't call twice pre with QQ, maybe not even JJ. He might even fold 88 pre. In that case, we are betting for value vs a tiny tiny calling range, no?
His Ax hands (ATs+, AJo+) is 52 combos, of which I believe he plays this way almost always.