reibs;378585 wroteSo the cashout was $11,800 even, however we all kicked in $50 for the bubble boy, so that makes it $11,750. Each 5% block is worth $587.50
Hobbes - 5% paid - $587.50
rwpkrplr - 10% paid - $1175.00
Wolff - 5% paid - $587.50
Pinhead - 5% paid - $587.50
Milo - 5% paid - $587.50
T8 - 20% paid - $2350.00 - $2k sent
wetts - 5% swap - $587.50
pls pm EMT details and I will send it on its way :mad:
Just realized there is a $2k per 24hrs limit on EMTs ... T8 won again. will get a few of you tomorrow I guess.
Take care of everyone else first, I can wait.
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