JimmyHo Hard to fold top set drawing to boat with four other players in the hand (even if they don't have you fully covered), assuming big stack has straight already. Most players wouldn't fold, even if heads up in this situation. I'm not worried about a bigger flush draw (I hope this is the case). I get my money in the middle faster than BF can say fold.
GTA Poker I folded. I think that >90% of the time my flush draw is dead and that at least 2 of my pair outs are dead. This leaves me at around 33% getting almost exactly 2:1 on my money. For me, there are better spots to get $1700 in during cash sessions. As it turned out, my hand was in the best case scenario. Both big stacks had the straight with no hearts in their hands and the short stack had 3hi hearts. I think maybe 1-2 of my pair outs were dead. This put me at over 60% to win the hand. This was the absolute best case scenario for my hand and probably would only occur around 5% of the time in this spot. Board came running hearts that did not pair the board. Having done the math during the hand I liked my fold based on the most likely scenarios. Huge stack binks his only redraw to the K hi straight and gets the side pot. 1-2 orbits later I doubled through the huge stack with QT97ccdd on the button in a pot rasied to 60 preflop and 5 players to the flop of 5x8d2d. Checked around and the turn of 5x8d2d6d gave me the nuts with a straight flush redraw. Checked to me and I bet 225, SB calls, huge stack goes 1200, I shove my 1700 behind, sb folds and huge stack calls. Brick ace on the river, and to my surprise I scoop the pot...he said he had a set with K hi diamonds. Better spot.
GTA Poker OHTNCTRHM;372851 wrotedid the fact that u block the heart outs even cross your mind? awful fold. Odd way to think of a hand when you are not the made hand. Great analysis though.
trigs GTA Poker;372854 wroteOdd way to think of a hand when you are not the made hand. Great analysis though. ...but...i has 2 heartz...
[deleted] u have top set in a multi way pot, and fold? lol u brag about playing trash in NL and stacking people, and when you get in a high equity scenario in a multi way pot and can scoop a biggun, you fold? lol nice theory, i suggest not playing online.
GTA Poker OHTNCTRHM;372865 wrote u have top set in a multi way pot, and fold? lol u brag about playing trash in NL and stacking people, and when you get in a high equity scenario in a multi way pot and can scoop a biggun, you fold? lol nice theory, i suggest not playing online. how is this high equity? cuz lots of shiny chips in pot? u can math? I'm getting 2:1 with likely 2:1 to win...there are much better spots in cash games...and there is no stack size equity since the BI is uncapped
BlondeFish OHTNCTRHM;366271 wroteHi everyone. I received a poker set and a book for xmas, and I am looking to get into poker. OHTNCTRHM;366275 wroteWhere should I start to look WildBill7145? I have looked up the rules, but I don't really know much else unfortunately. Wow, how did a poker newbie a few months ago suddenly become the Phil Galfond of PLO?? :bs: OHTNCTRHM;372865 wrote: lol nice theory, i suggest not playing online.
compuease BlondeFish;372882 wroteWow, how did a poker newbie a few months ago suddenly become the Phil Galfond of PLO?? :bs: When you move a lot of couches daily it's amazing how quickly you get good at it..... wait.. wat?
Milo BlondeFish;372882 wroteWow, how did a poker newbie a few months ago suddenly become the Phil Galfond of PLO?? :bs: Gremlins . . . and less time on interwebz for a due to bannings gives you time to study up. compuease;372883 wroteWhen you move a lot of couches daily it's amazing how quickly you get good at it..... wait.. wat? You forgot the Starbucks . . . keeps you "perky".