GTA Poker;372640 wroteIt's not a great hand and I honestly cannot recall what the xx were...but I know they didn't matter on this board so they could not have been very good. There were some TERRIBLE players (not the deep ones that are significant in this hand) at the table so I am playing a wider range. Plus, the raise size is very small for this game so it is not a big call preflop.
Want to add this and see if you hold'em raising pre-flop is usually for the purpose to limit the players in a hand, steal blinds, hopefully get heads PLO it seems more to build a pot as players pretty much plan to make a hand every time..reason why suited wraps work so well and almost only hands I raise.
You still want to isolate with AA of you can, but it's almost face up most of the time since so many players only raise the big pairs...all this to say I think it's pointless to raise queens most of the time since basically they are nice to set mine with, but the raise will make it easier for other players to read the board and fold big top two pair type hands. Any j+ they can easily assume set because of raise
Clearly if your balanced in your opening hand (whatever the kids call it these days) it's less, but a soft opponent doesn't remember 5 minutes ago anyway...