okay, i'll outline the whole prop bet in better detail here.
- i must play a minimum of 500 hands per day of zoom omaha $0.02-$0.05 with 100BB buy-in (i'm not allowed to play the deepstack $0.02-$0.05).
- the most zoom tables i can sit down at are 4 at one time (i most likely won't play more than two, but i figured if i'm crazy desperate i may need to open more even though my playing will most likely suffer)
- i can play as many hands as i want/need to over 500 hands*
- i am not allowed to change levels (all hands must be $0.02-$0.05 zoom omaha).
- a day will run from 12:00am to 11:59pm. it doesn't matter when i start to play that day, but i must be finished by 11:59pm at the latest. (i highly doubt that i will be starting any earlier than i normally do which is around noon anyway)
- i must play ten straight days.**
- i must finish every day with a profit (even if by one cent).
- i am allowed to take a break whenever i want, whether i am up or down, as long as i complete the minimum 500 hands in the allotted time.
- if i fail to show a profit after any single day - i lose.
- if i fail to complete the 500 hands in a day - i lose.
- if i play at least 500 hands per day and i show a profit every day for ten straight days - i win.
*as of now, there is no maximum amount of hands, but i am considering agreeing to maybe a 2000-2500 hands per day max (mostly because if i'm really still down after that many hands and hours of playing, i'd most likely just give up and/or run out of time to play anyway).
**i'm wondering if i could include some extra days. for example, i have two full weeks (14 days) to complete the ten days of playing. i might even be okay with a couple "free" days that i can take a day off just in case. i just want to try to avoid me losing this bet because i have too much work one day, or some real life crap happens and i just don't have time to play the 500 hands. i feel that this bet is about beating variance compared to beating tilt, so i don't think that a day off would change the deal. even if i'm doing this over the march break, i only get 9 days off work. summer would be fine though, but that's a long ways away. i don't think that taking a day off break would really affect my variance or anything like that. i'd still have to show a profit for ten straight sessions in the same manner even though it wouldn't be ten straight days of playing. if this one is a deal breaker, then idk, i might have to wait until the summer to do this or we'd have to discuss some alternative maybe.
i was also curious as to the following: let's say that i complete the 500 hands with a profit in one day, but i still have time to play and would like to continue playing. am i able to submit my 500 hands for this competition and consider the stipulations fulfilled yet continue to play separately from this competition? i mean, i already completed the challenge as it was laid out, but let's say then after being officially done i keep playing and tilt money off after the fact. would this be allowed? i'd be a little annoyed that i wasn't able to play anymore just because of this bet. obviously, the first 500 or whatever hands would necessarily have to be for this challenge, but afterwards would be separate. if you were really picky, i guess i could easily include a stipulation that only hands on stars count towards this bet and then i could go play on tilt instead, but that's also just annoying for me.
i think that's it. hope i'm not missing anything.
btw, i will not get a chance to play/practice another 500 block tonight, but i will most likely play saturday and sunday and i'll post my stats for those as well probably.
currently, my friend and i are still in discussion over this bet. right now we're thinking 15-1 odds (down from 20-1 because he's willing to give me a couple days off for any possible real life crap or what have you).