OMFG, I had given up on strategy discussions here, so I never clicked on this thread until today when all my WPT satellite games at OPT and Fallsview went kaput after being buried under 20 cm of snow and authorities warning to stay off the QEW. :'(
Wetts1012;365130 wroteBy the way, this is the reason that the theory of rape equity works so well.
I have never heard or read about "rape equity" and it doesn't even show up on Google. Is it something that pkrfce9 does on Saturday nights? ;)
Tapatalk put the above to annoy pkrfce9
pkrfce9;365203 wroteSo in this spot, don't get all in pf even with aa, don't get all in on any other street without the immortal stone cold nuts. Ez game.
Where is the "Dislike" button to counter all the Likes? The Nash equilibrium or unexploitable jamming range includes not just AA but a lot more hands. HiSoLoSo's Nash jamming range is 22.6% of hands and I would easily call with JJ, QQ, KK & AA in the BB. sn1perb0y's Nash jamming range is 6.8% (QQ+ AJs+ A5s AJo+ KJs+ KQo) and if I was the #1 stack, I would call with the same range plus AKs.
yasper;365142 wroteWe can often look at icm from an intuitive perspective, here you have 2 100bbs stacks and 1 10bbs…you should virtually never ever bust before the shorty. Especially if we have skill edge on the other players, we should be able to manipulate play so we never stack off without 100% equity.
I strongly disagree. Poker is a very counter-intuitive game and that is what creates the huge opportunity to profit against others who only play by their intuition or "feel." I will usually stack off with less than 50% equity, never mind 100%.
To try to see this intuitively, let's say that pkrfce9 has AA in the BB and says he will have to fold to HiSoLoSo's all-in. Even though AA has "only" ~85% equity instead of 100% against HiSoLoSo's range, I will have to knock out pkrfce9 with Wetts1012's "rape equity" thingamajig ;) so that I can click the "CALL" button instead of FOLD. Even though the third player is a micro stack, it is +$EV to make the call with JJ+ (unless you're Russ Hamilton and can see everybody's hole cards).