Do you really believe the largest poker website in the world is scamming you? Do you think the info you provided is:
-new to any poker forum
-helping anyone from getting scammed and in which way?
Sure where do I send the emails
Bluffaloal;361166 wroteSure where do I send the emails
compueasepoker at gmail
compuease;361163 wroteLook we know you are one of the big winners, quit bragging..:p
We're getting a percentage of that winning right? To supplement our rather ridiculous kickbacks from P*?
By the way Comp, I want my Ferrari back for Monday.
Lol those questions are too stupid to answer, after recording over 1.4 million hands to analyze I think I have a little understanding of whats going on.
wildbill7145;361168 wroteWe're getting a percentage of that winning right? To supplement our rather ridiculous kickbacks from P*?
By the way Comp, I want my Ferrari back for Monday.
Come on, get serious, we want to help this guy, he has a legitimate beef.
You know guys I figure we are all seasoned players, all I am telling you is that this stance both Full Tilt and PS are taking is very odd. If they shut down, or went belly up there is no recourse. If I was panning something like that this is something I would implement for sure. This occurred for a $25 deposit on PS with a $34 dollar win, and An $18 deposit on Full Tilt, doesn't make any sense.
I mean seriously, for that small amount of money, who would run around getting documents and getting photo copies to fax to a poker site.
that's just the thing, if I was multiaccounting I would eat the loss and shut my mouth.
GTA Poker
just play another 1.4 million hands, make another $18 and then it will be worth your time...ez game
Anyway have said my piece, and will forward emails.
Bluffaloal;361176 wroteAnyway have said my piece, and will forward emails.
FYI, nothing as yet..
lol ... I've done nothing wrong but PS and FTP seized my funds. :D
That was what was funny to me. I don't even think they seized anything. I've heard many times that P* and FT want you to send documentation if it's your first withdrawal. Once you've verified your ID and what not, your good to go in the future for cashing out.
I (ahem), uh, can't say from personal experience what happens when you, err, try the withdraw button. Of course this is due to my incredibly high wage that I earn at Pokerforum.ca as a moderator, which, you know, pays for everything I need. I'm not greedy.
GTA Poker
i seized some funds last night;)
Now back to this, what exactly do you propose to do to investigate this upon receipt of my emails if you dont mind me asking?
They wont even talk or refund me without documentation, what do you expect to do?
From experience, when your accounts get hacked and some scumbag tries to withdraw over 15k to some bank account in Australia, trust me, you'll be glad when PS asks for ID first.
Validate whether or not you have an actual or misinformed gripe.
You understand that asking for your ID is required to validate your age right? They can't cash out real money to someone if they can't confirm the individual is legally allowed to gamble on their site.
First off, is this your first withdrawal attempt on FT or P*?
First of all, I didn't try to cash out, only asked too after they requested ID from me for no reason. Secondly and no offense. But how are you supposed to ascertain if my complaint has any legitimacy? Like I said, had deposited $25, won $35 in a tourney and all of a sudden my account was temporarily suspended pending review of my Ident docs. Didn't try to cash out. Had made ten to fifteen smaller deposits over the previous month or so, never a question. All of a sudden win $35 and suspended? Those are the facts, straight up.