Because I had other things to do last night . . . as I do tonight, as well. Sorry for bothering you . . .
it's not the first time you've asked for info like this. it's not the first time i (or someone else) has provided it for you. and you aren't the only one who has done this. don't take offense to this. just do your due diligence before posting (if you want me and others to take your points more seriously).
Then the fault lies with the crazies, no? To state otherwise is a bit of a leap of logic.
oh, there are crazies everywhere, i agree completely. just seems that there are more in the religious circles for some reason. how many atheist groups do you see running around trying to get people to stop using vaccinations or other modern medicines, or starting wars against people with different beliefs, or the plethora of other crazy fights that fanatical theists start in the name of their God? i don't know of any. so, it is kind of an assumption on my part? sure, but one with evidence to suggest it.
Yup . . . stupid beats Religion, as they are stretching the quote from Leviticus to the breaking point, if not beyond. the Bible says zilch about vaccination because the entire field had not been created yet (intelligently designed? SORRY). Attempting to stretch prohibitions against miscegenation, and guidelines for agriculture into a ban on vaccines is silly.
that's the entire point this thread is making! religious fanatics take the bible and stretch the meanings to suggest whatever they want! and since it is God's word, people fucking believe these crazies! how are you not seeing that religion is a part of this issue? i'm not saying it's 100% to blame, but it sure exacerbates the problem. without the religion backing up what these crackpots are saying, no one would listen or give a shit. they'd just be some crazy nutbag yelling at people on the street.
Also, with respect to "promoting their own views" . . . everyone does that. That is why we have politics, and political parties, after all. I will accept religion as a bad thing as soon as we can agree that government is, too.
the difference between government and religion is insanely obvious and the two cannot be compared in this situation. political views and opinions are not divinely handed down from our God - they are man made and created by us. political views are allowed to be debated and changed - religious views are not. government was created to govern countries and societies - religious views were created to govern morality and spirituality. i could go on, but honestly, if you don't see the difference i think i just give up.