trigs;399801 wroteif someone, heaven forbid, actually asked me for my opinion i will gladly provide it, but i highly doubt anyone gives a shit, and i'm getting tired of asking others and hearing silence.
however, since you brought it up, this counterpoint of yours... where i see a potential problem, but obviously not one that we haven't already discussed in this thread.
You are right, I assume you agree with the articles you are posting. Wrong of me! We have talked about it in the past but why would you think people don't value your opinion? People on the board have responded to you in a variety of ways. Kristy had some great compliments for you in your thread.
I know I have said it to you publicly and priviately how you have challeneged me in ways I'd never imagined. Forced me into the Word of God, strengthing my faith!
I guess the reason I don't ask your opinion everytime you post something in this thread is because most times I don't think you are really looking for answers but rather a debate.
however, since you brought it up, this counterpoint of yours...
trigs;399801 where i see a potential problem, but obviously not one that we haven't already discussed in this thread.
I have said it before, sometimes you need to have an actually conversation with someone about things, and not a back and forth in text.
I also believe you have to have a respect for the person you are talking with. I know at heart you are a philosopher so you would have to know of C.S. Lewis. Read
Mere Christianity. Maybe he can explain thinkgs in a way that you get because I believe you are looking in the wrong places, places that undermine Christianity instead of explain Christianity.