trigs;399095 wrote
personally, just fucking kill me. there is no way i want to spend the rest of my life in crazy pain with a million tubes stuck in me. i will never have children because i know how i feel about the end of my life and how i will deal with it.
Sorry to isolate that part trigs, but that's pretty deep. I can totally relate in a sense that death sucks and it's a pretty scary thing, unless that's not quite what you were getting at.
Anyways, for the rest of what you said before that, I agree with you, you can just be extremely detailed and obviously not take lightly a decision like euthanasia. Can't really argue with what you said.
DrTyore;399101 wrote
Let me decide.
I 119% agree with you that as a human being I'd love to decide and control every aspect of my existence and of existence in general. I'd make suffering extinct and abolish death if you're catching my drift. But
in my personal opinion I think there are things in life that we don't decide or can't control. Fine, I'll say it lol: I was raised Roman Catholic as well and I have also chosen to believe in the truth of this religion. I don't really practice it right now in terms of going to church and taking communion etc., but I still sorta believe in it. Honestly, this is what it's like: I'm not thrilled that God gets to make the rules and decide right and wrong and all that, but I accept that reality independent of what I want. We don't always get what we want in life.
I know it can be argued, as it has been, that it's stupid to believe in God or whatever, but
in my personal opinion I believe God exists and that the Roman Catholic Church happens to teach the true meaning of reality, and yes I understand there are some teachings in there that are controversial and some that seem too ludicrous to believe. But I do believe them because from what I can see I see plenty of evidence/reasons to believe what I do. But to each their own I suppose. We have to separate how people "handle" religion with the religion itself. Just because you met a priest, for example, that only cared about how much money you gave to the church I don't think it counterfeits the entire faith. It might only counterfeit that particular man's faith.
Anyways, to bring it back to some of the things we've discussed, I believe that I should be free to believe what I believe. I guess some arguments being made by those of faith are along the lines of "You should not be allowed to force us to act against our beliefs." The same people who want to provide the suffering and dying with freedom and choice to die are simultaneously removing freedom and choice from those who are still alive and want to abide by what they believe to be right and good.
Bear in mind, Mark, that I don't want to get on your bad side, you've helped me so much in my other thread. (Haha.) I do hope you find my thoughts somewhat interesting and worth conversing to. It would be refreshing to talk with someone who doesn't take the tact of someone like luvs2fart.