Milo;357103 wroteWhere is the homophobia, Mark. Are you saying it is not possible for a gay man, or lesbian woman to embrace God?
Seems pretty narrow minded, if you ask me.
Had awesome response earlier... but forum crashing prevented reply...
LUCKILY I haz back up
Milo;357103 wroteWhere is the homophobia, Mark. Are you saying it is not possible for a gay man, or lesbian woman to embrace God?
Seems pretty narrow minded, if you ask me.
From some online dictionary site
nar·row-mind·ed (nr-mndd)
Lacking tolerance, breadth of view, or sympathy; petty.
narrow-minded·ly adv.
narrow-minded·ness n.
Now, from Romans 1:16-32
"gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves"
"for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature"
"And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another"
So, pretty clear there that "uncleanness" "dishonour", and "against nature" are bad things.
Homosexuality is just rampant in the animal kingdom (birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it) - SOURCE :
Biological Exuberance
So, since all of nature is getting all up on homogenous genital gyrations, that seems to be "nature" (also known as natural), our good friend King James either has it all ass backwards (see what I did there?), or it may just possibly be an error.....
But hey, I gave props for hatin on the daughters of sappho too!! I mean, at least it's consistent in it's ignorance and bigotry.
P.S. Sorry I didn't have time to properly APA-reference all that... but... ya... hate speak ITT