trigs;388807 wrotequestion for the theists: how do you know your god is the right one?
I don't . . . but He's the right one for me. YMMV.
even if the atheist concedes that there is in fact a god that created us and watches over us (and maybe intervenes every once in a while depending on your personal beliefs), how can you know that it is YOUR god that is doing it?
I think that my God is everyone else's, too. If you look at the big three, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, they all have basically the same underlying tenets (the Golden Rule). They are more alike than ANY of the fanatics would care to admit. That is why I am not a fanatic.
if you were born into a muslim family, would you have converted to catholicism or christianity on your own? (i'm assuming that those are the only two groups represented by the theists in this thread.) have you studied all the other religions and came to the conclusion that your religion is in fact the best one? wait, scratch that. your religion is the only true one.
Were I to have been born into a Muslim family, I would probably not have converted, I would probably just self-identify as a failed Muslim, and enjoy a bacon cheeseburger now and again.
or are you under the impression that even if you picked the wrong god/religion, the real god will still forgive you and allow you into heaven? if yes to this question, won't he also forgive the atheists and allow them into heaven as well?
I think that god would accept whatever form of address I choose to use when speaking to him. He may not care to be called "Bob", but I doubt He would be offended. Same goes for calling Him Yahweh, or Allah. I think He's pretty cool about it.
i just have to say that i am always amazed at how theists (no matter their specific religion) pretty much 99% of the time just happened to be born into a family that just happened to have chosen the "right" religion to teach their children. at least, that's what all of them think. i guess they are just among the luckiest people in the world. sucks to have atheist parents who ruined your life, or muslim parents, or whatever other religion that is "not true".
Interesting. We also happen to be lucky enough to be born to parents living in the Western Hemisphere, north of the equator, and in a time period when the relative vagaries of chance have granted us a greater than average life expectancy, greater than average opportunity, and greater than average wealth. Maybe we ARE just lucky . . . but I take your meaning.
i'm starting to think that there are actually very few true "theists" in the world. they are instead simply dogmatists who have never considered all the alternatives.
I for one, have considered the notion that there is no God, that we are all just here by random chance and that, when I die, my cremated remains will be buried in the ground near my parents and other loved ones, and that, eventually, my footprint on this Earth will disappear along with my relatives and heirs. But part of me always comes back to this: IF true, then what's the point?
And it is THAT question that brings me round to God.
Maybe that means I am weak-minded, I do not know . . .
is faith in the wrong god grounds for eternal damnation? is questioning faith grounds for eternal damnation? where do you draw the line?
Well, NT Jesus kind of gave us Catholics a "Get Out of Jail Free Card" on that one, didn't he? Jesus didn't seem to have much of a problem with the Apostle Thomas, either . . .
isn't it the burden of the theist to prove their religion true and all others false in order for them to know they have the right, true religion?
Isn't that the whole "faith" part of the equation?
As for "proof" . . . we will ALL find out much sooner than we would like, I am sure.
I feel no need to prove that my Faith in God is justified, or to convert people to that belief. Believe as you will, and allow me the same. The world would be much better off if people took that tack more often.
Peace . . . and I hope nothing posted here puts me back on your shit list.