As we get closer to my first Vegas trip, I've scoured the internets and here are the tournaments I'm most interested in playing. I can't play them all, so am looking for feedack and suggestions for ones I'm missing.
Pretty much it's either the Venetian or the Wynn, with $55 Donk fests sprinkled in.
The Bellagio has the "Festa la Lego" classic going on, which means they're only running $500 and $1k tournaments.
I'm also hoping I've used the PF/SL spreadsheet correctly. :)
Any Free Night
10pm - Treasure Island $55 1K guaranteed - 27% Entry/Staff Fee. No posted structure online, but I've read it takes ~4 hours to finish up. Comments: The fees suck, the structure is likley too fast, but seems a fun way to gambol with $55. Value of tournament goes up if <25 people particiapte
Friday (Aug30)
7pm - Venetian - $200 Survivor - Tournament stops when 10% of players are left and everyone gets $1,600 - BlindOut: 3.05 hours, PF: 9.27, SL: 5 :: 17% Entry/Staff Fee Comments: Interesting way to distribute the prize pool. Structure is ok.
12pm - Wynn - $225 $25k Guarantee - (Opt $100 Addon) - 14.1% Staff/Entry Fee - BlindOut: 4.38 hours PF:19.22 SL:6 - Comments: 40 minute levels and a great structure. If taking the add-on, 15k v 10k starting stack and PF goes to 25.66. Worth it? This is mostly likely the "big one" that I'll play. The only part that gives me pause is the unlimited $200 re-buys. I wouldn't take one, so does that limit what I can do in the game?
12pm - Venetian - $300 BlackChip Bounty - Website and
Las Vegas Poker Rooms | Las Vegas Poker Tournaments have slight differences. Website says $100 Bounty tournament with 30 min levels. PokerAtlas says 40 minute levels, no mention of bounty.
(I've also had the Binion's Sat tournament recommended)
12pm Wynn - $200 - $10k Guaranteed. Can't go wrong! 30 min levels, good stucture. $10k stack becomes $11 if you show up early. BO:3.77, PF:14.21, SL:6. Also has an optional $100 add on for 5,000 chips, which changes it to 4.23/17.91
12pm - Venetian - $200 - 17% Entry/STaff fees. 30 minute levels. BO:3.96, PF:15.68, SL:6. Similar sturcture to the Sat tournament, but likely with less of a prize pool.