betrthanphil;343977 wroteLol you admitted to it another post, and if you couldn't afford it the rest of the week how could you afford it those days? Better question being if you say you forgot your ID because you couldn't afford to play, how come every time we texted you to come hang out you said you were going to play at edge water.
Or wat about the time you bs us and said you were going to play 10/25 at edge water and "Short buyin" for $2500 the first night we were all together at edge water. Like what was the point of that lie considering we all knew you didn't even have $2500 or anything close to that in your pocket at the time, you even went as far as putting your name on the list?
Can't wait to hear an explanation that doesn't involve you lying lol
Had at least a short BI on me from pwning up BJ with u guys
Also, that was when I first started my deal with brad... I could have had money there when ever I wanted.
Haters gonna hate I guess
Steve I finally have a big enough roll to do things I need to do and to keep me happy and instead of being a buddy, ur being a cunt these days
Ur one of the countries best players and u waste time trying to point out how much I suck? Go suck eggs.