JimmyHo Its that time of the year again, thought I would get things started for 2013: 1. Continue to improve new poker website. Ensure tournament database is up-to-date with current and accurate tournament details. 2. Run three successful online satellites to major Ontario casino based poker tournaments. Work with affiliates to offer best tournament structures and options for players. 3. Achieve $10k+ profit from live cash games. Increase play at 5/5 and 5/10 levels. Also, do a better job tracking progress. 4. Achieve one major live tournament and one major online tournament cash in 2013 (>$5k).
GTA Poker I think my goal for 2012 was to play more and make $40k. I actually played much less and made about 1/2 of that. Goal for 2013 is simply to find some games I enjoy playing on a regular basis again -- the 2/3/5 $500max in Northern Cali just doesn't cut it. I am hoping that the 20 40 Stud at Commerce will be fun and am hoping for some 30 60 or 40 80 Omaha 8 at Commerce during some MTT series or in Vegas during WSOP. I'm kind of sick of NLH cash games lately and having some variety will help...Live at The Bike may be fun though. I will start to play more MTTs for a change of pace and cut back on cash game hours unless there are games that are fun to play -- I seem to have lost the ability to grind at a boring table lately. I think that the nicer year-round weather makes it more difficult to sit inside with a bunch of degens at a poker table. If I'm not enjoying it I'm not going to play. Overall, less grinding and more fun is the goal. Maybe 20-30k profit on the year.
Da Donkstomper! Actually, I want to start playing more often again. Using the pokerstars app on my phone helps. My bankroll is currently at 210$ started at 25$ Wanna work my way up a few levels
Macke Well 2012 was my second year in poker. Enjoyed continued learning while making a modest profit of say roughly a grand through freerolls and small cash games and also winning my trip to Vegas during the 2013 WSOP. goals for 2013? Continue to improve, build the bankroll, have fun. But as for specific goals? umm.. cash in the WSOP
jdAA88 Richard~;343835 wroteI find this pretty crazy it's not tbh, it's around 400 mtts a month. Didn't play much at all for a few months and also went on a few trips.
betrthanphil 2012 goals didn't go well.....really gonna try to do every goal i set this year... 1) 6k mtts online next year. 2) Play in a new Ept, or WPT. 3) go to a wsopc event somewhere again (went to bc this year) 4) 100k+ profit, want to say 200k cause I really think Im gonna have a great year, but 100k is still good lol. 5) Cash in a live 10k ME....like Pca, wsop ME, etc. thats all for now lol
compuease betrthanphil;343862 wrote 5) WIN a live 10k ME....like Pca, wsop ME, etc. FYP, F*** that, aim high... gl on a great year..
Tonychanman 1) Improve my game to become a profitable player 2) Finish top 3 in my local poker league (was 7th last year) 3) Build more poker tables. This is still poker related :P
[deleted] Get respect in pokerz community instead of bad one 2bb/100 WR playing onrine cashaments Not be declerate in general
Milo 2013 will be the year I enjoy poker . . . I will not worry about wins and losses. Did I enjoy playing poker like I did yesterday at JohnnieH's? Then that will be a successful day, cash or not. I am also hoping that daughter's soccer will not conflict with Ching Hill, so that I can actually play a full season for a change. On-line is a different story of course, but I will try to do the same there.
compuease costanza;343881 wroteGet respect in pokerz community instead of bad one Does that include here? If you can really do that, my hat is off to you.. P.S. Count to ten before you hit submit..
DennisG I don't know if I can really set any poker goals this year..not sure what my personal time is gonna be like...but I am going to really try to get my shit together in 9 man sng's. As well, I would really like to play an out of country major event...