The Prophet 22;337197 wroteLet's say then no heart no paired board. Can villain call any re-raise you make with only a pair? No!
Same scenario above. If the villain check the river it is an indication that he is given up the hand and you make a pot size bet good chance he is folding.
1) A PSB and a 3x pot are entirely different things.
2) Doesnt a bet of 400 accomplish this as well
Youre failing to see the logic in the villains decision making
Its either 1 of 2 things, nuts or bluff. Its certainly not value.
Now we have to assign a % of range nutted vs. a % of range bluffing.
Do I think there are bluffs in his range - sure.
My arguement is I feel this bet sizing is very much in the nut range, all things considered - including the point in the tournament, the risk reward on the villains side, and the BI.
Im not sure what side of the argument youre trying to make.