GTA Poker ram_siva1;336962 wroteHey guys I made it to Day 2 of the first event, 6 of 48, 36 cash. 81k uptop. gl that's a great start...was Fed at any of your tables?
[deleted] GTA Poker;336965 wrotegl that's a great start...was Fed at any of your tables? met ram the other day and chilled a little bit wasnt at any of his tables yet , but thanx for asking
Milo crazykoby;335130 wroteThe ring is pretty sweet!! Having seen one up close, I can stipulate that Koby is correct. Still think you should get it sized, man. :D
DennisG ram_siva1;336962 wroteHey guys I made it to Day 2 of the first event, 6 of 48, 36 cash. 81k uptop. First event has been over for a few days?? And the Do you mean the 1125? Good work!! Too bad I missed seeing ya down there.
DennisG costanza;336966 wrotemet ram the other day and chilled a little bit wasnt at any of his tables yet , but thanx for asking Have you played a hand down there at all? When I was there hanging out with Jules and BTP you were a no show several times. #shocked
GTA Poker ram_siva1;337043 wrotebusted 24th for $3037. Good job...are you Playing more events or is that it
Hobbes Nice. GTA Poker;337046 wroteGood job...are you Playing more events or is that it he has 3 more events ... see OP
compuease ram_siva1;337043 wrotebusted 24th for $3037. Very nice Ram... Niced to hear some of you out there are actually playing... Keep it going..
compuease costanza;337074 wroteShut the fuck up comp Gg ram Because of this and the "Jewish" comment.. 48 hours...