Hello Everyone,
My name is Ram and I have been playing poker for about 3 years. I have had relative success online, but have played less than a handful of tourneys live. I go to University of Waterloo and am in my final semester of Economics and hoping on giving poker a shot once I graduate.
I read a lot of posts on here and also 2plus2, but rarely do I post. Its very ironic because I am very social in real life. Some of you might know me because I used to play at Buzzards and occasionally drop in to play the $60 buyin.
I dont know if anyone has done this in the forums before, but due to my lack of experience in live tourneys, I will NOT be charging any MARK UP!!! WOAH!!! So what you pay for is exactly the percentage of my winnings you will receive.
I have been taking poker seriously only recently so my ROI for tourneys is much higher this year than it is with the whole sample, not saying my ROI is poor with the whole sample as it is 42% over 5.6k games. I have grinded a lot with Jake "vekked" Meyers before this year and have received coaching from him as well. My online trackings and graphs on sharkscope are attached to this post or below as a link:
WrathOfRam - Ram Siva - Poker Player
Over 150k in tourney winnings online.
references: Steve "Betrthanphil" Tripp and if you would like more, plz dont hesitate to PM me.
Now that the intro is over, here is the schedule that I plan on playing for this series:
Event 4: October 30th, 2012 $1025
Event 5: October 31st, 2012 $ 580
Event 6: November 1st, 2012 $ 365
Event 7: November 2nd, 2012 $1675
Event 8: November 6th, 2012 $365
Total is: $4010
I will take any percentage you are willing to buy and will stop at 60%. I would be selling this as a package, selling 10% for 401 etc.
I can take Pokerstars or Email money transfer, the events are in 12 days so I would like to have the money as soon as possible.
This is the first time I am doing something like this, so if I missed out on anything please dont hesitate to let me know
List of Backers:
Michael Chin 5% (PAID)
Mike McDonald 25% (PAID)
Jason W 7.5% (PAID)
Hobbes 1% (PAID)
Wollfhound 2% (PAID)
SteveKerr 2% (PAID)
Acetyper 2% (PAID)
JadedJason 5.5% (PAID)
Betrthanphil 10% (PAID)
60%... SOLD OUT
ADD ME ON TWITTER @WRATHOFRAM as that is where I will update you guys on how the tourney is going.
Mike Mcdonald 25% (PAID)
Betrthanphil 10% (PAID)
Hobbes 1% (PAID)
Wollfhound 2% (PAID)
Acetyper 2% (PAID)
Steve Kerr 2% (PAID)
JadedJason 5.5% (PAID)
Jason W 7.5% (PAID)
Evan Lamprea 5% (PAID)
Cashed Out:
Betrthanphil 10% (PAID) -FullTilt
Hobbes 1% (PAID) -Pokerstars
Jason Wong 7.5% (PAID) -Pokerstars
JadedJason 5.5% (PAID) -Pokerstars
Wollfhound 2% (PAID) -Pokerstars
Steve Kerr 2% (PAID) -EMT
Michael Chin 5% (PAID) -EMT
EMT Details: Please etransfer to