I went to go change my Avatar and it kept giving me errors. Any known isssue with this, or will everyone be foreced to look at my nuts forever?
Zithal wroteI went to go change my Avatar and it kept giving me errors. Any known isssue with this, or will everyone be foreced to look at my nuts forever?
WOoooohhh whoooooooo. Please don't make it the Santa Card protector! Please help him sloth!
chosen one
i'm having the same problem. anyone know what's up?
BTW Zithal, i'd love a t-shirt with your present avatar on it to wear @ my next home game. Whaddaya think?
Having the same problem. I tried to change mine about a month ago and then again today and it won't work :(
I want a t-shirt with all the Christmas smileys, so I can wear it to tournaments in July. :wink:
chosen one
y'know, you're probably poking fun, but i have a feeling come july, we'll be at the same tourney.... you with christmas smileys, and me with the squirrel's jewels hanging out!!
C-1 ;)
That would be hysterical. Pokerforum.ca, summed up in a nutshell, no pun intended lol.
I think I have fixed the avatar issue. If you are still having an issue adding or changing your avatar, let me know what happens.
Still having problems...something about error in the uploading. :(
It won't upload my avatar from my desktop...
I still can't get it to upload either.....hey the christmas smilies are gone......wooooohoooooo :eek: :rolleyes:
Dave Scharf
I still can't upload my new avator and I am so thrilled with it I could just spit.
Wow, I thought I was the only one.
I still can't load an avatar...it may be me though...I don't really have a clue when it comes to this kinda stuff.
Ok I guess this is still screwed up.
[indent]There has been an error in the upload. Please ensure that the file has been correctly selected and that the upload has taken place successfully.
[/indent]:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
:D stp
Zithal wroteI went to go change my Avatar and it kept giving me errors. Any known isssue with this, or will everyone be foreced to look at my nuts forever?
I like your Avatar!
I also have the same problem :frown:
This thread was merged with "Off Topic Lounge -> Avatar Problems?"
This still seems to be an ongoing problem.
I want one, I have one, I cant get it up.
Anyone have viagara for the Avatars?
Is there a fix?