Milo;333552 wroteFunny how the poster boy for free speech wants to shut it down when it suits him. That is fascist, darb . . . but at least you are consistent.
Yes milo its really me who's being hypocritacally, right after I got banned for posting a video exposing american soldier in a thread that calls a muslim kid a piece of shit.
Yes I want free speech, but its not free speech when you get banned for posting something politically controversial but not banned for blatantly trolling and calling down posters.
And you are also a biggot and lack intelligence for these posts that you are making... all of them.
But we know that because you believe in things like the monarchy. You say you love your family but you violently fight to uphold their suppression.
Anyways now that me and you have had words we know that I'm gonna get banned by your friend.
The monarchism of it should really surprise me though but together y'all have ruined a good thing.