costanza;333386 wroteJust because somebody points out that you're an asshole, you can't just call them racist because you're Jewish.
Lighten up, Francis . . . I will take your explanatory post (in the other thread) at face value, but that only gets you so far. In this iteration of yourself you have been pretty well behaved and rational. The events in your recent past can be used as an explanation/excuse for why you have gone a little off the rails lately, but that is not carte blanche to remain a douche. And yes, you have been getting trolled pretty hard of late. Perhaps it was less than deserved but, given your past, and your recent behaviour, you cannot say it was unexpected.
I will leave Darbday out of this, as he can speak for himself. Maybe you should do the same.
P.S. - Not sure if this post puts me in the asshole category or not, but I am not Jewish (or Episcopalian for that matter), so I don't really give a fuck.