crazykoby;330657 wroteYou're one of the bigger BAP buyers, which BAP'er have you made the most/best ROI off of?
You've met both myself and Wetts. Who is going to pull off the dress better?
What is the one thing you would do over in your life?
What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?
I don't have my spreadsheet here, but, live, Gta/ yourself are on top of the roi
Online, I believe it is Ash.
I was looking at the sheet the other day, of 75ish Bap's, 60ish were -roi
4 homeruns help keep it at +15 %
I hate to make a pick on that, but, I'd put 5 on wetts winning on the walkway.
I don't have a big regret at this point, as my kids get older I wish I had taken better care of myself to this point. Overweight/social drinker now, but, already think about being there for them way in the future. Damn I have to start walking/etc....
Stupidest thing? Spending 2 nights, 2 years apart as a guest of the St Catherine pd in their drunk tank. Fine doubled from year 1 to year 3, no vehicle involved, just a big mouth.