Milo;330573 wroteHow galling is it that yours is the only Royal Cup HU match that sticks in my mind?
Has losing to a donk like me turned you off of live poker?
Married? Kids? Pets? Occupation? Give us something to work with here . . .
Also, what is the O/U on "Fuck you, Milo." for the next Royal Cup?
1. I'm glad you remember that match, I've had shits that I have more recall about.
2. I've lost to far worse players than you, if it cemented anything in me, its that I'll never wear more rings than just my wedding ring.
3. (a) Married 18 years this past Monday to Caroline, whom I've known since Grade 3. Unfortunately for her, she chose to settle for me, she could have done much better.
(b)2 1/2 yr old rescue Schnoodle named Benny.
(c) Self employed, o/o a small Soup and Sandwich shop called TJ's Cafe (named after my kids Tyler (16) and Jessica (14 later this month)
4. Playdoh, its fun to work with
O/U on the Fuck you Milo...not so much live feeling, we've certainly had no issues in the handful of tables that we've played together at Royals, it has more to do with your constant popping into other threads and insisting on adding something that I consider (not a true measure of anything) completely useless points as if yours is the only one that matters.
p.s. you still owe me a you remember why?