The_Game;345611 wroteI been visiting woodbine regularly over the past one month. (been to fallsview only once) I have to say this place is pure FISH TANK. Especially friday/saturday nights.
I switch between 1/2 and 2/5.
in my openion...
the software adds little action to game but I don't think it favors a seat/player/
for sure its programmed to take max rake every hand.
I seen too many set over set on flop, to many runner runner flush.
it is very possible to make 20k playing 2/5 or 5/5 in one month.
I have cashed out 2500+ more than once playing 1/2
also $4500 playing 2/5 (this is after losing a 3000k pot to this idiot who chased his gutshot to river) hahaha
anyways My screen name is My real name YAMA.
peace out.
YAMA, you are famous. Last week I was sitting at a table and somebody was talking about you. If I remember the conversation correctly they also mentioned you recently won the badbeat jackpot at Brantford.
Congrats, I wish that I could be so lucky in this lifetime!!! :cool2: