Wetts1012;327054 wroteIve been playing for a long time.
You can raise call or fold.
Please define "smooth call"
1) limping pre.
2) calling after someone raises (flatting)
3) wtf
trigs;326999 wrote*for clarification, by smooth call i mean: A call made when a player would typically have been expected to raise or reraise.
trigs;327004 wroteA call made when a player would typically have been expected to raise or reraise.
i thought i mentioned the definition. i am asking specifically in preflop situations.
EDIT: just to try to explain it further, what hands and when should you CALL preflop with a hand that you'd normally raise with (i.e. smooth call).
from what i thought, flatting doesn't necessarily suggest you have a raising hand but smooth calling means you have a hand you'd normally raise with
i'm assuming that some would say to never (or very rarely) do this but i'm also assuming that there are times that it could be recommended. i almost never do this (i almost always raise/reraise in these spots)