compuease;319445 wroteThat bolded part should concern you...
Mistake to try and defend it, at the big money level, it is, at best, a scummy sordid place... At our level, mostly for fun and entertainment, it is an enjoyable place to spend some time but don't let it become all consuming or one may be sorry.
Trying to use it as a quick get rich scheme will most likely result in frustration, unhappiness and remorse...
the bolded part doesn't concern me at all, im very proud to be a huge enthusiast of the game as a whole. Doesn't matter if im reading about poker, talking poker, playing online, playing live, playing all different variants of the game, im always happy when it comes to poker.
The game is fun and enjoyable for sure, but im certainly not using it for "get rich quick" . I'll play poker my whole life, no matter what happens.
RE: BB , I feel bad about my comments earlier because "it could happen to anyone" , but ill be damned if anyone is gonna defend his character. It takes someone special to screw someone over.. it takes someone REALLY special to fuck someone over for 30+ racks.
To normal ppl thats a decent income at a job in a YEAR, and to punt it in a night is just so retarded.
I may come across as way to serious or passionate or w/e lol , but i do care/love the game alot lol