Brad Booth outed as a scammer on 4....Booth's response here
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I will say, good on him for owning it.........but obv should never happen.
I especially like when he promises to not 'degen' in the pit, or booze it up.......until he pays everyone back
At which point, I assume, he'll go back to being the same degen drunk?
I only wish he would have said he blew it on hookers and blow, that would have been the only acceptable excuse.
yeah, he needs to stop gambling completely
I would put him on next year's DP for sure. Sad . . .
He's a loser, degen, poker playing gambler. I would be more impressed if he just went away and ten years from now it came to pass that he left the cards behind and took up a real job and had paid off his debt.
Otherwise, same sh!t.
this apology of his is lamesauce and in the only currency he has an abundance of...meaningless words.
GTA Poker
alcoholic with gambling problem?
GTA Poker
Seriously though, he needs to check into AA then GA then stop playing poker and live a happier life. Also, lol at anyone who lent him 30k. Lol more at him saying he would offer the people he owes money to a staking deal...if this is his solution to what is going on he really needs a friend or relative to slap him into reality and help him straighten up his life.
Hellmuth's Mole
Movowelling;319350 wroteHe's a loser, degen, poker playing gambler. I would be more impressed if he just went away and ten years from now it came to pass that he left the cards behind and took up a real job and had paid off his debt.
Otherwise, same sh!t.
this apology of his is lamesauce and in the only currency he has an abundance of...meaningless words.
Ain't no "real job" gonna pay off those debts in 10 years.
Just post his picture and story up everywhere there are morons with more money than sense so I don't have to hear these sob stories again.
GTA Poker
Hadn't been on 2p2 in ages, but just thought I'd add this thread for all of those on here that think most live tv pros aren't degen scumbags:
Erick Lindgren Owes Over $100,000 for Fantasy League, Won't Pay - Poker News - News, Views and Gossip
So . . . is HVEE related to Yukon Brad? Lindgren, maybe?
Don't know much about the guy.. but from what little I read.. sounds like he just blew the 30k on blackjack and roulette?
Sad to see someone basically have it all for a while then just piss it all away.
But then seems like he'd have plenty of backers and had what did he say he had? 50k So he shouldn't have needed that 30k ...right scumbag I guess.
degens gonna degen
I think I remember watching an old High Stakes Poker season where Booth sat down with a million bucks in chips. Geez....
SuperNed;319376 wroteI think I remember watching an old High Stakes Poker season where Booth sat down with a million bucks in chips. Geez....
Heard that was Guy Laliberte's mooolah....rumor has it he was dropped after this move with it:
High Stakes Poker - Brad Booth vs Phil Ivey - YouTube
lol guy laliberte is in no position to drop anyone based on their play of poker
yukon brad used to b a legend
striaight up shame hes gotten into this position after having the world by the azz
Seems like this would be a good thread to ask so anyone got 30k to loan me?
Ok. I need to chime in one this one. I have known Brad for about 4 years now. We used to talk often enough and as a person, he reminds me much of the best friend i ever had growing up.
He is friends with other of my friends. Yes, I have seen borrow on a few occasions and he has been quite honest about his situation. He has a problem and he has been on a downward spiral for the past few years, nobody will deny that. I think we all friends like this.
He introduced me to quite a few people I may never had have the privilege of meeting otherwise. When he came to town, once just out of nowhere, he took the wife and I out for a very nice dinner on him, just to catch up. He taught her to play Chinese with Alex Wice and helped resolve a disagreement with another high profile player I was having, just because I asked for his help. He has never asked for anything and actually put me inthe position to make some cash with his contacts.
I am not going to say his actions are excusable, but like many addicts, I think that much of his self respect is gone. Desperate people do desperate things and they usually have to answer for them, sometimes in very unpleasant ways and this shame is certainly the least of how bad outcomes could be. Gambling and winning big is the only way he could possibly get out of this situation, he quit school to become a poker player. Even a 100k a year job, pretty decent pay by most standards is not going to fix this. I don't know what options he has, quite frankly I hope he finds some.
The money we all seen him gambling on TV was Guy Lalibrates. He made some mistakes and it was "deal off", he has public ally admitted this and what happened, but I still think Guy would call him a friend.
The childhood friend I spoke of in the beginning is dead now, he either overdosed accidentally or committed suicide, his mother really didn't say when she noticed my vehicle in town and dropped by my parents house. That same friend robbed my parents and believe you me, that was taken care of on a personal level. He had problems and was just a soul that never could fill a void. He took jobs, tried to work hard and stay on he straight and narrow, but it just never seemed to work. With that said he was the one friend that would have pushed me out from in front of a bus or fought ten guys with no hope of winning if I needed it.
In many ways, I think Brad has the same triaghts, take money out of the equation, his addiction, and he is big hearted and loyal guy. His actions are inexcusable, but remember he is human. He may never make good on this, but there are many others out there that aren't high profile that have done much worse. And trust me, from my own knowledge and not hearing Directly as a sob story about it from him, he's been screwed hard by a few people he's helped (and we aren't talking UB), as well.
I sincerely hope Brad's situation ends much differently.
He was dropped because Guy asked him not use his stakes online. He continued to do so, trying to recover the shit kicking he was taking while being super used. He broke that trust and lost his backer. But he also made sure to look after Guys interests in gambling world, make sure he was not taken by everybody.
Kinda catch twenty two but though I think i heard Guy was a bit pissed at the gamble he took here, it was also part meta game.
Players made hero calls for years after, not wanting to get "Phil Ivey'ed" and that part of this gamble seemed to make sense. He knew everybody would see this, and regardless of how the hand ended it was going to be plus EV.