I forgot to say about calling I think I'm one of the strongest 180 man callers in the game. I would love for someone to challenge me on it because if they proved me wrong then I would learn.
ReefAquarium;319093 wroteI'd be interested in getting push bot charts and 3 betting charts too.
I think it's a weak part of my game and one of the reasons I play cash games.
push bot (I think thats a name for a certain chart) would be better than tony's because tonys require a lot of explanation. 3bet shove charts are generally useless because they are too complex.
3bet shoving has more variables because opponents can min, 2.2, 2.5, 3x etc. now they have an opening range and out of that opening range our 3bet shove range will depend on their calling range.
Ive found a way to approximate this decently I think though. Imagine a person just shoved instead of min raised. Whichever hands we would call with we should 3bet shove vs the same range if he just opens...if we think they will fold sometimes then we should shove slightly wider. The hands we should be are going to be closer to the nash ranges.
Its important though you target good regs, regs that min raise/call most of their hands. Bad players will shove their middle hands and 3bet call qq+ only. So if a player 3x's with antes hes not a target because raise folders don't 3x they 2.5-min raise. So we will take our villains range from his position and apply that % to a shove range and respond accordingly.
An example is a 30bbs Omgclaydoll min raise opens (with antes) in the cu with a 17bbs bu, 17bbs sb, and a 3bb BB. His min raise call the short bb and fold to the bu and sb range is huge. You would imagine his shove range from the cu, or use his cu steal stats and re shove a slightly wider range than you would call. This works too because people behind over call way tighter than they should (in this example the BB is likely to fold sometimes).
So it becomes a function of understand shoving vs calling well.
As an aside in that spot, if its me on the button vs omgcd then I won't reshove a very extended value range because he'll call me with his entire shoving range like kts etc. So I will tighten up because its likely he sees my when reviewing students and horses.
If I'm in the cu in this spot and a decent re-stealer is on the button I'll just tighten up my min raise range and keep my calling range wide and gain that way.