costanza;319024 wroteI think overall what messed me up was you telling me towards the end of our sessions that waiting to hit the blinds was more +EV then jamming in a "meh" spot
so i.e , shove chart says shoving any pair up to like 17 beibers in MP-LP is +EV and that just boggles my mind
the example you gave here isn't an example of your first paragraph. I was widening my utg range from what the nash charts said, some winning players still do this, many actually but you can just go with nash, the 2nd time I talked to Tony he said he used to widen but he doesn't anymore.
costanza;319024 wroteso i.e , shove chart says shoving any pair up to like 17 beibers in MP-LP is +EV and that just boggles my mind
why should it boggle your mind though?
costanza;319024 wroteI honestly cant count the number of times i would zip in 22-77 in those spots and get pwned when i get looked up with Q7o+ and shit.
You're thinking about your hand vs his and the result. Tell me about your range and his range?
costanza;319024 wrotetough to word, but a bunch of times ive shipped in what i THOUGHT was +EV spots only to realize that maybe it isnt,
How did you realize it wasn't +ev, because you lost the hand? If its nash its gold and you already know, if its because later you got smarter or someone told you its wrong, then you learned-thats win/win.
costanza;319024 wrote I thought maybe i was to tight (tough to imagine considering i shove wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide
everyone says they are wide and lag, I know zero lag regs and only like 4 or 5 that are wide shovers.
costanza;319024 wrotebut now i just think maybe the chart is flawed a lil)
the chart is nash so you are saying nash is flawed.
costanza;319024 wrote either that, or im doom switched in key spots and am running bad, but to run that bad for that long in turbo's is like
If you shove well and spew otherwise you won't win at poker. If you tighten your shoving beyond nash you'll do even worse.
costanza;319024 wrote
hence i only play reg and deep structures now
yes but does that fix it or just slow it down?
Also forgot to mention that I'm of the thought these days that if you only shove nash in the 180s and don't adjust you can't beat the game, I'm curious about that