Wolffhound;315198 wrotep.s. I can (and have flipped a many including the 2 that are on my deck) change your Propane BBQ over to a Natural Gas one in about 2 minutes. All you'd need is to have your gas line run and buy a new connecting hose. (always an option for your old one to keep as an extra griller but also gas, I have a double connection for my gas line)
That is very nice of you to offer, but the burners in the old one are toast. Not worth the money to replace just to have a extra BBQ. Thanks for the offer though!
Like I said, I'm going to empty the guts out of it, get a new grill (since it's rusted to shit), and convert it into a smoker. I've seen this done one a few shows, looks pretty cool and the flavour is supposed to be amazing!