getem76 Whats amusing is depending how you dress can actually affect others games towards you, I dress like a complete retarded bum when at the tables on purpose (more often than not "its your go superman" is told to me), I am very comfortable and can sit there for hours on end when need be. WE DON'T NEED NO FRICKEN BREAKS!!
Cerberus I'm not sure why, but no one takes my bets seriously at the casino while I'm wearing a pair of shorts and my Grumpy hockey jersey I got at Disneyland. Initially it started with me playing either before or after wrestling practice and people would think I was just terrible (I actually used to be a decent live player), which got me some nice calls on all streets with flopped straights or flushes :)
mags pokerJAH;313852 wroteA shower should be manditory for any player at the tables over a 24 hour period. YES!!!! :arghh:
compuease Macke;314928 wroteNothing beats playing online poker in your pajamas on a laptop in your bed! jeesh, these young uns... That's the best you can find to do in bed? Where did we go wrong?