Raising here is bad as it allows both our villains to play their hands perfectly as they will fold all worse and only call with better.
IMO, I want to keep this pot small. Range of hands I see villains having here:
AA (IMO, this hand is unlikely to continue the turn given scary board, so discounted slightly)
KK (discounted a bunch given the board and our hand)
QQ (discounted a bunch given the board and our hand)
AK (IMO, this hand is unlikely to continue the turn given scary board, so discounted slightly)
AQ (IMO, this hand may cbet the flop and likely check the turn. The turn bet discounts this hand a fair amount)
A10 - likely - we have the nuts but the board hits a lot of opponents range. I'd be betting for value
JJ - likely - I bet for value and to protect. The week bet seems like a small value bet from scared money
KJ - somewhat likely for a calling hand pre. Much like you, doesn't want to make a big pot with such a scary board and trying to keep pot small'ish
k10 - if this hand is betting, they are likely blocker betting and hoping everyone will call and they won't get bet off their nut draw.
q10 - see K10
J10 - see K10 - but discounted slightly more
109 - see A10. You have the second nuts bet for value
With the awkward stack size, I flat here and likely flat small'ish bet on a river brick and would likely tank fold to a large river bet, especially if called a head of me. If the river is an A, J, 10, or 9 I am folding to pretty much any bet.