BlondeFish;299360 wroteDo you know where/how I can find the details of the Miriam/FTP tournaments, including number of players, rebuys and add-ons? Are you or Lynne going to the Montreal PartyPoker Classic?
BTW, wat's DFIC & COPC? TYVM. TTYL. ;)
Thanks DataMn for explaining abbreviations.
I did receive an invite to attend, but going to pass as family has other plans over same time. I doubt Lynne will be attending, as she had to miss Fallsview.
The info on the Miriam Foundation is at
Montreal Poker, Miriam Foundation, Poker Montreal Open
It sold out last year at 1500 players, $275 entry for 5000 chips, $125 rebuys.
Anyways, the following response has been provided by Dan Vigderhous (who has been involved with the Le Windsor Charity events since their origin and is the producer and co-tournament director for this year. He also used to run Four Aces):
#1 "We are placing all the buy-ins into a trust account that cannot be legally touched until all prizes and expenses are paid. The charity will only be receiving the donation until all responsibilities are properly paid and taken care of."
#2 "Party Poker, obviously being an aboveboard online company (pulling out of the US market in 2006, and being a publically traded company in the UK) isn't faces with the same issues as FTP or Stars did. This is another level of security for the players getting paid"
#3 *** some omitted***30 players (from last year's Miriam Open)
"We have invited each of them as our VIP guests to this year's event."